The second part discusses concurrent between tort liability and contractual liability. 第二部分讨论了侵权责任和契约责任的竞合问题。
Using the theories of the nature of the CPAs 'civil liability of other countries for reference, CPAs undertake contractual liability to the client and tort liability to the third party. 借鉴其他国家关于注册会计师民事责任的性质理论,我国注册会计师对委托人承担契约责任,对第三者承担侵权责任。
The contractual liability is one of the most critical system of the contract law, as well as the important composition of the Chinese civil liability. 可见,违约责任不仅是合同法中一项最重要的制度,而且也是我国民事责任的重要组成部分。
Chapter 3 The relation between contractual liability and tort liability: the analysis on the independent and coincident relationship of contractual law and tort law. 第三章违约责任与侵权责任的关系:分析合同法和侵权法既相互独立又相互重叠的关系。
Since Roman law, tort liability and contractual liability have been two independent liabilities in civil liability system. 自罗马法以来,侵权责任和契约责任一直是民事法律责任制度的两大独立责任。
Chapter 4 The discussion of concurrence between liability for breaching contract and tort: the analysis on the reasons for concurrence between contractual liability and tort liability from the perspective of the civil liability and protected benefits, with the liability concurrent system in China provided. 第四章违约责任与侵权责任竞合的探讨:从民事义务和保护利益的角度来分析违约责任与侵权责任竞合的根本原因,并提出我国的责任竞合制度。
Under traditional contract law theory, contract law is the law on contracts, contract law, contract adjustments and the need to have a contractual liability, then no contract without responsibility. 根据传统合同法理论,合同法是关于合同的法律,有合同才需要合同法的调整并产生合同责任,无合同便无责任。
On the Attribution of Contractual Liability& Related Issues 浅探违约责任归责原则与相关问题
An economic analysis on Contractual liability of professionals 专家契约责任的经济分析
The establishment and integrity of the system depends on the support of other systems within civil law and contract law demense. We should consistently fulfil the theory basis, such as contractual liability, right of claim, enforced process of court. 实际履行制度的建立与完善首先有赖于民法、合同法等法律中其它相关制度与理论的建立及支持,应不断完善实际履行制度的理论基础,如合同责任、请求权理论与法院强制执行。
There are four parts in the thesis, except the introduction: The first part discusses the standards to tell about tort liability from contractual liability in traditional civil law fundamental, which is the liability nature and protected benefits. 第一部分首先论述了传统民法关于契约责任和侵权责任的区分标准,尤其着重探讨和反思了传统民法关于两大责任区分的核心标准&义务的性质和所保护的利益。
In order to secure the security of deals and achievement of the contractual liability, both of the official decrees and folk customs required that the parties to the contract of sale must make the article of guarantee clear in their contracts. 为了保障交易安全,保证买卖之债的实现,官府法令与民间习惯均要求买卖双方尤其是卖方,必须在契约订立时明确各类担保条款。
Product liability is neither contractual liability nor responsibilities for product quality. 产品责任是因产品存在内在缺陷造成他人人身、财产损害引起的赔偿责任,它不是合同责任也不等同于产品质量责任,属于侵权责任。
This article tackles the viewpoint that the contracting negligence liability belongs to the liability for tort or contractual liability and points out its defects, proposing that contracting negligence liability be an independent liability. 本文对将缔约过失责任归属于债权的责任或合同责任的观点进行了评述,指出了其弊端,提出将缔约过失责任作为一个独立的民事责任。
And it provides author's own ideas while facing the development of modern tort liability and contractual liability. 第四部分面对现代契约责任和侵权责任的发展,本文在此展望了两大责任的未来发展趋势,并提出了作者的见解。
Realizing the extension of contractual liability's subject and object scope, by means of development of the subordinated obligation theory, is a marked characteristic of law contract which is adapted to modern society. 通过附随义务理论的发展,实现合同责任主观范围或客观范围的扩张,乃是合同法实现现代社会化发展的一个显著特征。
The second chapter focuses on the liability of medical contract. The author makes an introduction of the general theory about concurrent liability and compares tort liability with contractual liability. 第二章为医疗合同责任承担,介绍了责任竞合的一般理论,对医疗合同责任竞合时两种责任进行了比较。
According to civil law, civil liability consists of two sorts: one is contractual liability and another is tort liability. 依据民法原理,民事责任包括两种,一种是合同责任,一种是侵权责任。
Traditional civil law divides civil liability into two parts: tort liability and contractual liability. 传统民法将民事责任制度一分为二,认为契约责任就是契约当事人一方不履行契约义务而产生的责任,而侵权责任则是不履行契约义务之外的其它致人损害所产生的责任。
And the author try to make an initial study on the qualification, the jurisdiction and the applicable law of the disputes of concurrence of contractual liability and tortuous liability on the basis of the theory of private international law. 违约与侵权责任竞合的国际私法问题研究结语总结前文各方面的研究成果,提出了作者自己关于涉外违约和侵权责任竞和理论在国际私法立法上的构想。
Later contractual liability after expiration. 合同履行完毕后之后合同责任。
A Study on Contractual Liability System 关于合同责任系统的探讨
For reasons not the seller or obtained an administrative license but failed to fulfill their contractual liability for breach of whether and how to take responsibility, judicial practice, there are still gaps in legislation. 对于并非出卖人的原因或者取得了行政许可但未能履行合同约定的情况是否承担违约责任和如何承担责任,司法实践中还存在着立法上的空白。
But adopting the contractual liability to resolve medical disputes has been accepted by academics in many countries. 但采用合同责任作为解决医疗纠纷争议的方式已受到了学界高度重视。
Its appearance has led to the expansion of contractual liability, and occurs with tort liability in the function overlaps. 其出现,导致了合同责任的扩大化,并与侵权责任在功能上发生重叠。
Civil liability for sports agents are mainly bear contractual liability, is the sports agent for breach of contract bear the consequences of the civil law, or do not fulfill their legal obligations and regulations should bear civil civil liability. 3. 体育经纪人的民事责任主要是承担合同责任,是指体育经纪人因违反合同而承担的民事法律后果,或者不履行法律法规规定的民事义务所应承担的民事法律责任。
Civil liabilities for malicious software side include tort and contractual liability. The former principle of liability is the principle of fault liability. In practice, need to apply presumption of fault. The latter is divided into fault liability and breach of contract. 恶意软件方的民事责任分为侵权责任和合同责任,前者的归责原则为过错责任原则,在实践中需要适用过错推定;后者分为缔约过失责任和违约责任。
Therefore, with the introduction and development of the duty of protection, the extent of contractual relation has expanded and contractual liability has been aggravated. 因此保护义务的形成与发展扩大了合同关系的范围,促进了合同责任的发展。
The obligation of architects can be divided into contractual obligations and statutory obligations, contractual obligation is the prerequisite and basis of contractual liability of the architect, the legal obligation of the architect which mainly is professional obligation is the basis for the architect liable for infringement. 建筑师专家责任根源于建筑师专家义务,建筑师专家义务主要可分为契约义务和法定义务(主要是职业义务),二者分别是建筑师承担合同责任和侵权责任的前提和基础。
Insurer who meet its contractual liability for the insured would enjoy a right of subrogation. 保险人在依约承担赔偿责任后,对于投保人享有代位求偿权。